FAQ MMPro Trust register.

4 min readJun 13, 2023


1. Invitation

First, each user receives an email with a link to register a personal account.
Please, notice there is only one verified email address:

2. Registration

Once the user follows the registration link in the email, a new window opens, requiring them to fill in their email address and password. After the registration is completed, a login section will appear. In the section, the user should fill in the email address and password previously specified during the registration. Users can easily change the password in case they forget it.

After the email and password are provided correctly, the user should pass security verification and enter a 4-digit activation code sent to their email.

3. Wallet connection

After successful authorization, the main window with the wallet verification opens. Without wallet verification, any action is impossible.

The user needs to connect their wallet and confirm the signature
of the owner of the wallet (address).

At the moment, Metamask and Trust Wallet are available for connection.

4. Personal account menu

INVEST — this section provides all current assets you can choose to invest.

MANAGE — this section provides users with their active and closed assets.

a. Active — transactions under consideration
b. Closed — completed transactions that have passed all confirmation

The choice of an asset depends on the user, and by clicking the invest
button, the user opens a modal window with instructions on how to proceed

5. Stages of the transaction
— Initial deal
— KYC confirmation
— The signing of documents
— Depositing
— Waiting for the transaction confirmation

Passing KYC is the most important component of the process. Without
completing the verification processes, users can’t manage their assets.

KYC includes:
1. Nationality
2. First Name
3. Last Name
4. Middle Name (optional)
5. Birthday
6. Residence
7. City
8. Postal Code
9. Address
10. Passport detailes

After sending the KYC data for consideration, the user will receive a
confirmation email: Your KYC is verified

Confirmation of the deal!

6. Configure initial deal

After registration, click on the ‘Manage’ button, you will see your deal for the purchase of the stock

Click on ‘Confirm’ and fill in the contact details.

7. Confirm KYC

The next step is passing KYC.

Click on Confirm KYC and fill in all the fields.

— Attach high-quality photos
of the requested passport

— Click on the ‘Verify Personal
Data’ button to confirm that
your data has been
successfully submitted.

— Place documents against a
single-colored backgroun.

— MMPro confidentially keeps
your personal data, in
accordance with GDPR.

Go back to the Manage page.
Click Next step.
Wait for verification by the moderator.

8. Sign necessary documents

Click Get documents

Signing of documents

Go back to the Manage page. Click Next step. Wait for verification by the moderator. At the “Sign necessary documents” stage, after verification and signing by the manager, the user receives an email of the following form. The user needs to click on the REVIEW DOCUMENT button.

After clicking on the button, the corresponding window with the
document will open, you must click CONTINUE to proceed.

After that, you need to view the document and click on the Sign button
A window will open with the electronic signature settings, which looks like this. If necessary, the proposed signature can be change.

After all signatures are affixed, you must click on the Finish button.

After all signatures are affixed, you must click on the Finish button Clicking the Save a Copy link will open the following page On it, you can either save a copy of the document in PDF without registering an account on , or click on the button to register an account.

9. Deposit Funds

After passing through the “Manage” window, specify the desired network and the token symbol for payment. Then click “Get receiver wallet”. In your case, you have paid for everything, so you need to click “I transferred money”. Wait for the moderator’s approval.

After the moderator’s check, you will be able to find your deal in the “Manage” window in the “Closed” tab.

Congratulations! You have finished registering your stocks!




Written by MarketMakingPRO

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