📣Monthly report for September
As usual, we sum up the main events of the month and recall September`s updates.
We reward our community for valuable activities on our platform with MMP tokens.
📍Fill out the form if you want to participate in the airdrop: https://marketmaking.pro/whitelist/
Fill out the form and receive 20 MMP tokens. Other activities that are going to be rewarded:
🔷subscribe to us on Twitter +5 MMP
🔷retweet us on Twitter +12 MMP
🔷visit our website +2 MMP
🔷tweet about us on your Twitter +15 MMP
🔷join our Telegram group +10 MMP
🔷join our Telegram- channel +10 MMP
🔷invite friends +25 MMP
🔶How Market Making Pro team creates profitable trading strategies
Our team has been working together since 2017 when we developed market making services for crypto projects within the framework of the Blockchain House company.
📅4 years for the cryptocurrency market is a long and experience-rich period.
We follow all market events and can predict changes. We invest ourselves and understand how it works and how to reduce the risks (as is well known, even the most successful trader faces risks in crypto trading). We also track the behavior of successful traders and follow their advice.
🔶Community statistics
We want to share with you community statistics:
860 members
Telegram-chat (Ru):
101 members
Telegram-chat (Eng):
1276 members
910 members
🔶Check out the reports for July and August on the links below:
🚩Monthly report for July: https://marketmaking.medium.com/monthly-report-b1b1317885e
🚩Monthly report for August: https://marketmaking.medium.com/monthly-report-c9e48e06bff7
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